The London property market is the busiest it has been
We are pleased to report that the arrival of spring has coincided with an exceptionally active London sales market,
which is only due to get busier in the coming months.
Plenty of choice available
The good news is that it’s a market for everyone: buyers and sellers alike are enjoying favourable conditions making it a brilliant time to move. Buyers have a healthy selection of available properties to choose from; the amount of stock we are marketing is up 60% year-on-year and in last month alone we listed double the number of properties than we usually would in March. The excellent selection of properties to buy, coupled with ongoing low interest rates and the extension of the Stamp Duty Holiday, are encouraging buyers to begin their search in droves.
An influx of new motivated buyers
This in turn is extremely positive news for sellers. The final week of March was our best week of the year for registering new buyers, meaning that there are plenty of interested parties ready to view properties. These applicants are proving to be highly committed; a desire to take advantage of the excellent buying conditions mentioned above has led to us having the best month for agreeing sales in seven years. Homeowners considering making a move can be assured that, with the guidance of the right agent, their property is extremely likely to get healthy levels of interest and achieve a favourable result.
Activity is set to increase
Spring is already traditionally the busiest time of year for the London Sales market, and with schools opening and the planned further easing of restrictions, we anticipate it will only get more competitive as we move through the next few months. With this in mind, we would advise anyone considering a move to get a head start and begin the process now.
Article source and reference by R Campo